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Students  ages  8  and  older  explore  the  Francophone  World  through  lessons  in geography,  classic  and  modern  tales,  art  history  and  artist  biographies, musical masterpieces,  and  famous  stories.  Upon  completion,  children  will understand  and communicate  daily  words,  instructions,  descriptions, expressions  and  phrases.


Listening Comprehension

Understand  announcements  and  messages  about  a  theme studied  in  class Understand  regular  instructions


Reading Comprehension

Recognize  some  names words or expressions  of  his/her  daily  life

Find  data,  proper  nouns  and  simple  information  in  a  short  text

Identify  the  purpose  of  a  few  ordinary  texts  encountered  in  daily  life



Introduce  himself/herself  (name,  age,  origin,  language,  address)

Talk  about  activities

Answer  simple  questions

Accept  and  refuse

Ask  someone how he/she is doing and react  to  the  answer

Describe  an  event,  what  people  are  doing  and  where  they  are


Cultural  Knowledge

2  celebrations  chosen  by  the  teacher:  Carnaval,  Chandeleur,  King’s  Cake,  etc. Explore  of  the  Francophone  artistic  world  through  the  study  of  painters,  poets, musicians,  traditional  and  classical  songs,  and  storybooks


Communication Structures / Themes

Say what time it is and the day of the week

Ask and say his/her name, his/her age and nationality

Talk about his/her activities and another persons'

Express tastes and preferences, his/her emotions Locate himself/herself in space, give address and describe their neighborhood

Describe someone physically and mentally

Introduce close family and describe extended family

Describe pets, other animals and their expressions

Name some countries

Describe classroom and talk about subjects studied in school and name school supplies

Name a few rooms in the house, objects in bedroom

Name body parts and features on the face

Name food items and drinks

Name some clothes

Talk about the weather

Talk about holidays and travel, plan a trip



The interrogative and impersonal forms

Conjugate the verbs "avoir" (to have) and "être" (to be) in the present tense

Conjugate some common verbs for the first group (verbs which infinitive ends with -er at the present tense (only with singular subjects)

Gender agreement of adjectives

The imperative form and its negative form It is/they are + article + noun I like/I don't like + verb and I like / I don't like + article + noun Verbs in the negative form

Spatial prepositions (under, in, on) Être (to be) + adjective

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